Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


Externalizing your desire to the world: this is the highly beneficial influence the Three of Wands will have on your life. Today you are in front of one of the most popular arcana in the world of the divination tarot. So, you can consider yourself very lucky!

What's most striking about the Three of Wands? Its unquenchable desire for discovery and fierce determination to enjoy the pleasures of life. Fully aware of your mortality and the temporary nature of life, you certainly do not intend to stagnate in any form of routine. On the contrary, you are determined to chart your own way and to create your own experiences.

Although your direction might not be mapped out in detail, you are sure of your impressive energy and natural inclination for happiness. What you want most of all, is to enjoy life to the fullest and seize the opportunities you get, when they seem meaningful.

Your openness to the world is a valuable asset, it will allow you to meet people who can profoundly influence your life choices. Learn to get closer to those who will help you to grow wisely and rely on your instinct to make your choices.

Ask yourself

•What have you learned about your territory that you could never have gleaned from looking at a map, real or metaphorical?

•Did you get to where you are now through your own power or did a person or formula help you get here?

•Does standing on a metaphorical cliff give you a more accurate idea of what you should do in your current predicament?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

This is a lovely card full of optimism and mental clarity. It can indicate a fortuitous business arrangement, a good career trajectory, stable management decisions, and a good time to collect information.

When this card is reversed, some readers interpret as meaning an interruption in plans; in this case, the Three of Wands can indicate travel delays, tedious bureaucracy, communication problems between managers and team members, or poor collaborative efforts. Although the person shown on the card is all alone, the Three of Wands has many associations with collaboration, teamwork, partnership, and group strategizing. When it appears reversed, it can indicate problems in these respects. It might even mean that someone has a “lone wolf” mentality that should be checked before it alienates others.

On a deeper level, the Three of Wands follows very closely on the progress forecast by the Two of Wands. Here the traveler is seeing the world for themselves without the intermediary of a map. The world is much more complex than any map can depict, which can lead to interesting realizations about expectations and planning.

In this card we see a person standing with their back towards the viewer; they are looking out at distant ships on the sea. The person is standing on a high cliff, holding an upright Wand next to the other two Wands of this card.

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