Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

Drawing the Ten of Wands means you may need to take a long, hard look at your current habits and change the way you do things. In most cases, this card can apply to your career or a business you may be running. All you want to do is push an important project to completion or get a new venture for your business up and running.In order to see your task to the end, you may think you need to shoulder every responsibility yourself

This card may be a symbolic wake up call for a situation like this. You’ve got to stop spinning your wheels with so much effort because you’re getting nowhere. If you really think about the end goal, you’ll begin to understand that you’ve taken on too much.

Instead, you must learn to prioritize the most important tasks. You also need to relinquish some of the control of each job to others. This way, you’ll finally lighten the burden of the heavy wands on your back.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Ten of Wands usually marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new adventure. Far from being unsuccessful, your experiences up to now have allowed you to determine precisely what is important to you and the path you want to take. You have learned from your mistakes and now see clearly the efforts you need to make to succeed in your projects.

In this quest you will be able to rely on your clarity of vision, your natural temperance and on having an unbelievable amount of energy at your disposal. These qualities will help you act for the long-term. You’re on the right path.

So you don't get exhausted, don't forget to allow yourself some rest periods from time to time! Obsessed by your goals, you'll have a tendency to keep going all the time. By agreeing to take a step back, you won't scupper your plans, you will simply be able to recharge your energy to start off again at a good pace.

Ask yourself

•The wands on the card may be a symbol for creativity. Do you have a brilliant idea but are bogged down with the details or execution?

•Are you so overburdened with life’s daily responsibilities that you feel like you’ve lost your way?Are you having trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel?

•Focusing on an endless number of tasks, to-do lists and projects may have you running on automatic. Do you feel like you’re not sure where your path leads and how your effort is going to achieve your goals?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Wands : The wands or rods symbolize your innermost creative thoughts, ideas and energy.

• The Number Ten : Ten is significant in Tarot because it stands for an overabundance of something.

• The Blue Sky : The clear, beautiful sky depicted on the card means that the problems and the stresses the figure is experiencing are solely from his inner burdens.

• The Figure With His Head Down : This illustrates an individual who has lost his way and can’t see if or how his efforts are making any progress.

The Ten of Wands is a Minor Arcana Tarot card that suggests a burden or too many responsibilities. Seeing this card means you may need to readjust your expectations and commitments.

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