Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

This is a card of valor because the hero stands firm in defense even as six staves are raised toward him. It is also a card of success, because the combatant is at the top, above his enemies so that they may not even be able to reach him.

However, while this meaning is important, it’s also vital to go deeper inside what this card implies and think carefully about how this card relates to us personally. It could mean pushing at a job to get a promotion, but it can also be deeply significant to those who have been personally oppressed all their lives, perhaps by strict and closed-minded people who did not realize the damage they were doing.

The Seven of Wands indicates to us that it is safe to defend our position and our very selves, but it also points out the need for caution. Avoid becoming overemotional and merely rebellious. If we have a just, strong cause to defend, this card gives us the green light to do it.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Seven of Wands represents a struggle, which will force you to confront your most deeply held beliefs in a way that can be violent.

This situation may not at first seem very comfortable, but in the long run it will allow you to gain deeper trust in the values that you hold dear. Adversity is part of life, and it is imperative to accept this if you want to evolve serenely.

Your beliefs have allowed you to shape a world that suits you. Perhaps your professional situation really suits you at the moment, or you have a fulfilling romantic relationship and a circle of friends who are beneficial to your well-being. If external events seem to threaten what you have built, don't give up. In the coming weeks, expend your energy in maintaining what you have built. You will probably have to fight more than you had planned, but the result is definitely worth it.

Ask yourself

•You may be at a point in your life where you need to stand firm on high ground on behalf of your beliefs, your creative work, your abilities and even your nature. However, there is a difference between defense and defiance. Do you know what that difference is?

•The Seven of Wands points out the need to take a stand, but the defender holding one wand against six others is also standing over water, which symbolizes deep emotion. This card carries a note of caution. Are you being overemotional in the defense of your position?

•The Seven of Wands has an image of a strong defender with firm footing on high ground, above his enemies. In your situation and need for defense, what are the advantages of your position?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Hero : Our truest selves standing in firm defense.

• The Color Blue : Expression and communication, enunciating our “true blue” beliefs and passions. Also, listening to the communications of others..

• Earth : A community or group, collective wisdom, belonging. Also, returning to our true natures.

• Mountains or Cliff : Realization, attainment, challenge and triumph, endless endurance.

• Rivers, Steams, Waterfalls : Deep emotions, the subconscious, surrendering to the flow of higher purpose.

The Seven of Wands is a Minor Arcane Tarot card that represents valor as well as defensiveness against having fallen in the opinion of others or self.

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