Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The queen enjoys a position of power, which can indicate success and positivity in many different aspects of life. She has a warm and inviting demeanor, which can also be indicative of the people around you, particularly fair-haired or older women. In this case, the queen may be representative of mother figures in your life.

This card may present itself to those who are independent, ambitious and career-oriented. The queen indicates passion, so this could mean it’s a good time to start following your true passion or that you are on a good track currently. You may have a positivity about you that attracts others to you and makes you quite likeable. You likely have a fire for life and may at times be hot-tempered.

The queen may be happiest when she is nurturing her passions, and while she is generally a sign of happiness and positivity, she can also at times represent jealousy, resentment and a fall from grace when reversed. It is important to try to filter out the truth from information that could be manipulated to mean something it doesn’t. The queen could also mean that now is the perfect time to renew yourself by making some sort of change a la the energy found from the Knight of Wands. The change could be something as large as finding a new place to live or new friends to as small as altering a regular routine.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Queen of Wands could be speaking about your dominant character traits or those of someone close to you. In any case, the card reflects a boundless vitality and an all encompassing love for life and all the little things it has to offer. Knowing that your time on earth is ephemeral, you have always understood how to live your passions to the full and occupy your days. You often overflow with energy and enjoy really diverse hobbies.

Sure of your strengths, you are also sure of your objectives and you intend to make every effort to carry out your projects. You can also rely on your many qualities, especially your enthusiasm, constancy and independence. When, one day, you face obstacles, you will undoubtedly be able to overcome them and quietly continue on your way.

Your zest for life is attractive, without ever arousing the slightest jealousy. You particularly appreciate being the center of attention and your ideas and points of view are often very original. This doesn't mean that you are considered to be an egocentric person. In fact, you deeply appreciate your loved ones and are always there to support them when they need it.

Ask yourself

•The queen is confident and in a position of power. Are there any goals you are in pursuit of that fuel your drive to get up each day?

•Are there female figure in your life who provide support to you and guidance as you try to realize your goals and dreams? This may be a good time to seek the counsel you need.

•Has a career or other dream opportunity presented itself to you and you are considering the challenges ahead? This could be the time to focus on some of your passions.




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Queen : She represents femininity, power and independence.

• Sunflower : This symbolizes happiness, satisfaction, fertility and life.

• Lion : A symbol of fire, strength and courage.

• Blossoming Wand : This represents life and creation.

• Blossoming Crown : Another symbol of life, creation and fertility.

• Black Cat : A black cat may symbolize many different things depending on the interpreter. Many associate it with an interest in magic and the occult

The Queen of Wands is a Minor Arcana tarot card representing femininity and independence. Its appearance can often indicate a strong career drive as well as joy and satisfaction.

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