Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

When you get the Nine of Wands in your reading, you may need to accept the fact that you’re in for a tough struggle. You may have been part of plenty of long fights, like the bandaged figure on the card suggests, but it may not necessarily be time to rest and relax just yet. What’s at stake may be something that is near and dear to your heart, like an innovative business idea or a project you’re heading, which relates to the creativity symbols of the wands.

What you need to do is stay strong and focused during this tough time, so you come out on top. You may encounter adversaries more often, so be on the defense to get what you want. Figure out what your support system can do for you during this time period.

Once your fight is over, then it’s time to make a plan for your next step. Avoid dwelling on the situation if you aren’t happy about the outcome, and make amends with those who opposed you once it’s all over.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Nine of Wands urges you to continue your efforts, even when the situation already seems lost. You love life and all its small pleasures; you know what your objectives are, and you have always worked optimistically and determinedly towards them. In recent times, however, a wave of desperation has taken hold of you. The reason is simple: you can't see the end of the tunnel and all the effort you have put in for months now seems totally fruitless at the moment.

Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by these negative emotions. Your temperance is one of your greatest strengths and in the past you have overcome much greater difficulties than those facing you today. Consider any setbacks as the last hurdle to leap over before your efforts are successful. Behind the dune in the distance, hides a source of water. A symbol of hope, the Nine of Wands encourages you to continue your journey. You will soon arrive at your destination.

Ask yourself

•This card may mean you need to be careful and be on the lookout for enemies. Are you going to be put in a situation where you have to fight for what you believe in?

•You may also need to get ready for a big, important battle in your life. Do you have the strength or the steadfastness to come out on top in this fight?

•You could also be in the middle of a huge undertaking in your life that requires a great amount of inner strength. Are you prepared to stay the course and get back up if you get knocked down by defeat at first?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Man : The figure pictured on the card looks exhausted from battle yet still remains standing and stoic.

• The Nine Wands : The wands are a symbol for your creative energy and brilliant ideas or proudest projects.

• The Supper Stick : The wand that the man is leaning against shows that it’s a struggle to stand alone in this situation.

• The Bandage : The man has a bandage wrapped around his head symbolizing a tough battle beforehand and wounds that run deep.

• Yellow Boots : Clinging to the material world; fear that losing oneself in the spiritual real will leave on undefended.

The Minor Arcana Tarot Card the Nine of Wands has a meaning that is related to bravery. With this card, you may be in store for an important battle, which could have you defending something or standing up to someone.

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