Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The knight seems to thrive in the midst of danger and challenges. He has a lot of enthusiasm that can be contagious, but this also sometimes leads him to rush into things without really thinking them through. While he has the drive to see things through to the end, he can sometimes come across unexpected obstacles and fail to reach his goal because he doesn’t have a plan.

This card may serve as both a sign of positivity and a word of caution. Whereas the Page of Wands is often an indicator of the start of change or something new, the Knight of Wands is more or less the realization of that change. This could be indicative of many different things, such as moving to a new location, starting a new job or even meeting someone new. The important takeaway is to not rush into any of these things but to carefully weigh the benefits and approach it with a well-laid plan. It can be a good thing to take risks, but avoid rushing into them blindly.

The knight is eager to have everything the way he thinks it should be right away, but sometimes change takes time and thought. If you are feeling frustrated with something in your life, it might be a good idea to take a break from it for a while and approach it fresh at a later time.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


This card has an extremely positive connotation. It indicates the beginning of an action or the arrival of an influential person in your life.

You should know that cartomancy adepts love the Knight of Wands for its overflowing energy and its capacity to reach its objectives. If this card appeared in your draw, it may mean that you have crossed paths with a truly vibrant person, whose tireless energy and boundless enthusiasm seduced you immediately. Don't hesitate to join them on their adventures if you want to spice up your daily life! By making you see life in a new light, the lessons you'll learn will be an important part of your development.

For the Knight of Wands, you have to act in order to exist. With him, there's no time for procrastination, action always takes precedence over reflection and there's no place for fear. From him you can learn the benefits of decision making and take inspiration from his legendary selflessness. But if you draw this card, don't forget to take some distance and recognize the limits of his behavior. Although action is always essential for anyone who wants to reach their dreams, if you want it to be sustainable it must always be the result of a well-thought out decision.

Ask yourself

•The knight looks ahead with purpose and determination. Have you started out on the path of a new idea or goal? This could be the time to really make things happen.

•Are there challenges presenting themselves in your life or in the lives of people around you? Don’t overlook the opportunity to help someone who might need it.

•Do you find that you often rush into things before thinking them through? It might be time to slow down and create a thoughtful plan on how to tackle the challenges before you.




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Knight : A symbol of courage and action.

• Blossoming Wand : This represents creativity and creation.

• Armor : Symbolic of risk, challenges and danger.

• Plumes : Blowing in the wind, these symbolize movement or change.

• Salamander : This is a symbol of courage and adaptability.

• Yellow Tunic : The bright color represents joy and positivity.

• Orange Horse : This represents determination.

The Knight of Wands is a Minor Arcana tarot card that carries a meaning of determination, drive and movement. This often indicates a big change coming up in a person’s life.

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