Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The King of Wands is about power, creation, inspiration and accomplishment. He represents natural leaders who have a gift for inspiring others and achieving goals. Because of his position of power, the King can indicate opportunity or challenges to overcome.

It is important to remember that the King is a position of power, but that doesn’t mean he is necessarily alone. Drawing the King of Wands is not always representative of you personally, but he could also be an indicator of what’s going on in the lives of the people around you. The King may at times use whatever means necessary to realize his dreams and ambitions, although he may not realize he is taking for granted the people around him.

The King appears to always be alert as to threats, challenges and opportunities to both protect and build his kingdom. His ability to lead is an inspiration to others, and he often finds a way to achieve his goals no matter the obstacles before him. Like any true king, it is a good idea to be mindful of your associations, as there are bound to be those close to you whom you can trust and those with more malicious intentions. It is beneficial to grow those relationships which stand to build you up and be wary of those that would seek to only use you and your position of leadership. Take care to recognize the people in your life who help to sustain you as a leader and provide the means for you to achieve your dreams.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The King of Wands may be referring to your character traits or to those of someone who is important to you.

From a general point of view, the extraordinary dynamism of the King of Wands is very seductive, because it often allows him to fulfill the many objectives he has set for himself. Therefore, if you are under his influence, you will particularly love life and the many pleasures it has to offer. For you, challenges are a real source of motivation and you blossom most naturally when you are acting. After all, there is no reason to be passive while the world is full of treasures to explore.

You have a strong character. Aware of your qualities, you are seldom discouraged when an obstacle stands in front of you. In any case, you can't imagine turning back, preferring instead to use your energy to solve the problem quickly.

If you are not a master communication, you know how to appreciate the presence of others at your side. In fact, your loved ones are seduced by your strength of character and your boundless vitality.

Ask yourself

•The king is staring off into the distance, as if at a far off object. Do you currently have an ambitious goal you are working toward or that other people are looking to you to lead?

•Has a new opportunity presented itself to you, and are you considering taking on the challenge?

•Are there people in your life right now whom you might be taking for granted in the pursuit of your own dreams or goals?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The King : A symbol of power and prestige.

• Blossoming Wand : This represents creativity and life.

• Lion : Symbolizing fire, strength and courage.

• Salamander : This is also a symbol of fire and strength. The ouroboros, the salamander eating its own tail, represents infinity and pressing forward against any obstacle or recreating oneself.

• Bright Orange Robe : A symbol of fire.

• Crown : Symbolic of power and prestige, the crown in this card also looks like flames, representing fire.



The King of Wands is a Minor Arcana tarot card that symbolizes power and courage. It often indicates the presentation of a new opportunity or challenge.

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