Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Five of Wands has a sometimes dangerous energy that reflects anger and the existence of conflicts.

Whether in your professional life or in your romantic relationship, you sometimes experience violent internal tensions, which indicate that something is wrong. You have the impression of being caught in the middle of a battle and you don't yet know exactly how to get out of this somewhat uncomfortable situation. The values that you used to have don't seem as important to you as they were, and you are experiencing difficulty in sharing your point of view with your loved ones. It is not uncommon that these differences cause disputes.

Wouldn't the best way to solve this problem to be to develop your ability to listen? Becoming aware of and learning to accept other people's points of view does not in any way bring into question your own values which will be enriched by contact with others. Your vision of life will be refined, while disputes will quickly appear to be the pointless things they are.

Ask yourself

•How is the mood of a group you are part of shifting from how it was when the group first came together? 

•Consider a group you are part of. What is your role in it, and are you happy with this role?

•A certain amount of conflict can be motivational. How can you use the current atmosphere of tension to propel your own creative involvement in a group project?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Five : The number five represents complete material reality – the world that contains earth, air, fire, water, and space/time. Although it conventionally denotes totality, in tarot the number five often shows a transition point, a moment when struggle comes to a head and must be creatively resolved before advanced progress can be made.

• Wands : The tarot suit traditionally associated with fire as well as with thought, action, planning, intellect, study, and problem solving. Messages, news, and communication are subjects frequently depicted by Wand cards.

• Youths : In tarot, young adults symbolize vigor, ambition, and energy as well as recklessness and stubbornness. The conflict illustrated on this card might underscore this particular meaning.

• The rocky ground : The sky is clear and there are no obstacles to be seen; this might be a playful fight or a mock battle. However, the rocky ground suggests a dimension of seriousness. Even if the young people are playfully fighting they still want to see who will be victorious.

The Five of Wands depicts a group of five young people each brandish a stout wand. They stand on uneven ground and each appears to be trying to gain advantage.

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