Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The Ace of Wands is a promise of motion, flow, direction and positive energy building to a delightful and satisfying close. This card often deals with creative insight. It may appear after a querent has gone through a period of stagnation where they felt they were treading murky, muddy water. This card perhaps calls loudest to artists, entrepreneurs, visionaries and those looking for new creative expression.

The theme of the symbols appearing in the Ace of Wands tells a story about our lives. It has truly been a long and winding road filled with challenges and perhaps some wrong turns. Some may have even felt they were alone on their journeys, and others may have felt they were plodding through shadows or even darkness. This card signals the arrival of dawn, of light breaking through the dark, showing us the way. Our inner fortitude has paid off, and our persistence is rewarded.

The Ace of Wands urges us to take our personal creative energy and let it shine for all to see. Now is our time to spread our warmth, our visions and our passions throughout the world. It also is a signal for us to prepare for new adventures.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Ace of Wands is closely linked to the idea of change and evolution. Like a breeze chasing the clouds from your mind, you can now enjoy clear skies and renewed enthusiasm. Confident in your innate qualities, you intend to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way and act according to your buried desires. Today, both the small pleasures of life and the big goals are within your grasp.

Whereas you used to be bogged down in a paralyzing daily routine, you now understand better than ever how lucky you are to be on Earth. While you can't completely ignore the necessities imposed by our society, you now know exactly what makes sense to you. You have a better understanding of your blockages and traumas and your thirst for discovery will allow you to set your course in a direction that really suits you.

Ask yourself

•The Ace of Wands signals a new beginning, a fresh direction, especially in creative matters you hold dear. What is your passion?

•The Ace of Wands is a reminder and a lesson to you to grab onto your goals and use your very passion for them to fuel your pursuit of them. It is a reminder of the creative control you have in your life. Are you letting your wants and desires control you?

•The Ace of Wands acts as a beacon, a bright light showing the way to clarity. Is your life going in the direction you want?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Wand : Creative fire, beacon, wood as a divine source of energy.

• Clouds : Mystery, ambiguity, hidden things. Also private beliefs that hold us back from living as our brightest selves.

• Rivers : Motion, direction, the flow of our lives and thoughts.

• Mountains : Challenges, acquisition, hopes, accomplishment. Also a reminder that only we can change how we deal with challenges.

• Trees : The wand is made of a single branch, but trees consist of many - do not limit yourself.

The Ace of Wands is a Minor Arcane Tarot card that deals with a great deal of energy bursting forth with assertion and confidence. This card is all about energy and passion.

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