Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The Two of Swords being drawn promises great potential and if you are careful to consider it, you may be in store for significant gains. Do not let this card mislead your thoughts, however. The card is a symbol for medication and careful consideration, after all, so rushing forward haphazardly may lead to misfortune.

Note that the depicted woman has not made her decision yet. Her two options, symbolized by the swords she balances, are still equal in her mind. Through a calm and collected mind, she is ready to make the right decision, and she has taken physical measures to ensure she is blind to biases. If you are open and ready to lend the same level of composure to your own decision, you can attain the same sense of contentment and acceptance that she has.

The femininity and tenderness depicted may mean the decision to be made is based in love and relationships, although it is also possible for the decision to be of any nature as long as it is significant. This card can also be greatly empowering, since it encourages the reader to make their own decisions, relying on internal matters rather than on the insight provided by outside forces, be they other people or prophetic cards.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The period looks particularly trying from an intellectual and psychological point of view.

The traditional interpretation of this draw reflects the difficulties you are currently experiencing. Faced with a choice, for the moment you don't know which solution to choose and in which direction to set course. You're feeling a strange sensation of an imminent threat, as if the doubts you are suffering from today have weakened your confidence. To solve this problem there is only one possible option: accept you need look at the situation as it really is, without being fooled by chimeras or pretense.

Maybe you're just scared of the consequences of your decision? Although it is very likely to upset your habits, remember that the capacity for change is an essential part of being human. So don't be so scared, your coping skills will allow you to acclimatize to your new environment.

Ask yourself

•The Two of Swords is called The Choice, showing a woman balancing two swords. What major decisions have recently been made or are soon to call for an answer?

•Do you have adequate meditation in your life? The woman is calm, despite the heavy weight set upon her, giving her the strength to make the right decision.

•This card is frequently associated with tenderness, intimacy, or affection. How do these aspects fit into your life?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Women : She is blindfolded, but still in control, as if her blindness is aiding her decision-making rather than inhibiting it. It is a symbol of focusing on internal matters.

• Swords : They are carefully and intentionally balanced, pointing in different directions. This is the decision that must be made, showing the weight of the two options. Use all knowledge available to you from past/present/future to make this decision which is close to your heart.

• The Moon and the Shore : The whole scene surrounding the woman creates a sense of calm and serene. She is in control and ready to be lead.

• Third Eye : The emergence of dream in reality; the manifestation of real-life lessons within dreams. 

• Water : Emotional weight that consciously or unconsciously affects the decisions you make. 

There are few cards that give way to such power and diverse interpretations as the Two of Swords. Drawing this card may be a sign of great things if the proper precaution is taken.

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