Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

This is certainly one of the most dramatic and recognizable images in the entire tarot deck. Once you see the Ten of Swords in a reading, you will probably never forget what it means to you. Illness is a traditional meaning attributed to this deck, and I would add that illness can take many forms. Recovering from the discovery of a false friendship can certainly feel like an injury and will require time for healing.

This is a very lonely card; there are no other people in the image although their presence is implied by the placement of the swords. Someone – or probably several different people – attacked the person we see in the card and left them alone. You could read this card as indicating a situation where many people turn against another, possibly scapegoating them.

The Ten of Swords can be a firm warning or it can be a loud indication that there is a problem that requires full attention. When this card appears, there is no more time for subtle hints.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Ten of Swords testifies to a period of doubt that you are currently going through. With absolutely no prior warning, an unexpected event has disrupted the course of your life. Perhaps you've lost your job? Or you've been betrayed by someone you love? Or perhaps your love affair has come to an end?

In any case, today you are in a particularly sensitive situation and the markers that guide you through your everyday life are missing. You feel totally helpless, divided between anger and sorrow. It will, obviously, be essential to leave this negative state of mind behind as soon as possible.

Rather than locking yourself into these negative emotions, keep in mind that problems are an integral part of every human life. Although you hadn't expected to have to face this upheaval, it has given you a unique opportunity to take stock of your life and begin to lay the foundations for a happier future. Behind these dark and threatening clouds, there is a radiant sun.

Ask yourself

•You may feel like you are having an out-of-body experience, but it is possible that your sense of what you are has recently expanded? What difficulty are you moving on from that allows this new expansiveness?

•What great insights have you gained from a difficult experience that has recently come to an end?

•Do you feel betrayed by something or someone you put great trust in? How has this painful experience made you braver?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Red Blanket : Recognizing falseness in something once revered as a spiritual truth; death to old, incomplete ways of being.

• Two-tone Sky : Something ignored surfaces and must be addressed in the light of day; getting to the root of a matter; greater understanding; being propelled into the unknown by coming to light of new, disappointing information.

• Ten Swords : Myriad insights which come from acknowleding a truth one may have been in denial about; creation that comes from discussion; coming into a new way of being and feeling this new body for the first; letting go of false hopes.

• Hand : The hand in a blessing pose represents optimism in the face of great spiritual disappointment.

• Water : A shocking insight allows the emotions to reset; strong emotional foundation for integrating new knowledge.

A prone figure lies in the foreground of the image, their back pierced with ten swords. A trickle of blood is seen just underneath their head; in the background a still river reflects distant mountains.

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