Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The Queen of Swords is a symbol of mature feminine power. In traditional interpretations, it is taken as a symbol of widowhood, but don’t let that deceive you. The widowhood associations are metaphoric, and they point to the idea of a woman who is totally empowered, in control of her own resources, and making decisions without accountability. This could pertain to the subject of the reading or it could indicate another person in your life, someone who could be seen as a source of support and strength.

In reverse, this card takes on a malicious character, warning the reader about a woman who means ill for the subject. Often, this is someone who has the resources to make one’s goals difficult to achieve or who could oppose one indirectly, not necessarily someone getting ready for a direct confrontation. Keep this in mind, as well as the possibility that thwarting those intentions might mean defusing that ill-will.

Last but not least, remember that the kind of power associated with the Queen of Swords is relaxed and plentiful. It’s the exercise of dominion without the need for struggle, which points to the figure in question being someone with power. Look to the authority figures in your life when seeking the meaning of the Queen in your own readings.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


This arcane is closely connected to the world of the intellect and analysis. Don't expect anything from it if you are looking to enjoy the immeasurable joys of love and sharing!

Indeed, the Queen of Swords seems like a cold and distant character, which some will not hesitate to call manipulative. What matters most to her? Subtle analytical intelligence and decision-making. Although the Queen of Swords is not made for loving or giving, her extraordinary faculties of reflection will be a major asset when it comes to quickly understanding what's at stake in a situation and making a decision. She is a highly effective decision-maker, which readily explains the dominant position she usually occupies in the professional world.

From a social point of view, it cannot be said that the Queen of the Swords greatly appreciates the presence of her fellows. Her action comes more easily from solitude and calm thought. Those around her are sometimes surprised by the character's legendary coldness and lack of empathy. You shouldn't count on her when you need a shoulder to cry on.

Ask yourself

•At this point in your life, what skills have you cultivated, and how can they help you in your current endeavor?

•Female friendship is indicated by the presence of a Queen of Swords. Which of your friends could represent this Queen, and how does s/he affirm you and help you cultivate your strengths?

•When it comes to your health, the Queen of Swords can mean that it is time to turn to those you can trust. Who can you confide in to help weather your current challenges?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Throne : The seat of power, a sign of dominion.

• Sword : Force, might, strength unleashed to a purpose, this symbol shows action embodied.

• Queen : A mature woman in her full power, a widow that does not answer to anyone.

• Crown: Majesty derived from a strong foundation.

• Butterflies : Spiritual fluidity; communion with the divine from a light, playful stance.

• Bird : Freedom, expansiveness, perspective, independence. Comfort in one's own skin.

The Queen of Swords is most commonly seen as absolute victory, the kind that does not even involve joining the battle. This is accomplished through maturity, wisdom, and the power that comes with it.

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