Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

Charging forward without taking stock of the entire situation is the entire meaning behind this card. Whether that brings positive change or negative consequences depends largely on the way that action fits into a bigger picture overall, too. While reversed interpretations are most often those associated with a lack of forethought, they can also be a feature of an upright Knight of Swords.

At issue is not whether or not the decisive action taken was wise, because its very nature precludes that. Instead, the orientation has to do with whether or not the actions taken were successful, whether they were merely extravagant display or if they actively drove your enemies forward and scattered them.

The card’s death symbolism comes from the association of rapid and drastic, perhaps catastrophic, change with death in the Tarot in general. Its role in the Minor Arcana is not specifically death-related, though, so it should only be taken as contributing that to a reading that already has other indicators of death or permanent change present.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


What's the first thing that strikes you about the Knight of Swords? His extraordinary dynamism and determination to achieve his goals. He is so strong willed that some people would call his behavior obsessive. However, this ability to focus exclusively on your own life plans is an undeniable asset if you want to develop and achieve your projects. But it can also be dangerous if your action is poorly controlled, too impetuous or not suited to your predefined goals. Take care if you cross his path and always think twice before going into action.

From a social point of view, the Knight of Swords is not the easiest person to understand. If this arcana appeared in your draw, it may mean that you have come across the path of a young person who is determined and attractive but seems to pay little attention to your point of view. Be inspired by their qualities but try not to be drawn too close to them. It could quickly become toxic.

Ask yourself

•The actions taken by the Knight of Swords can lead to the scattering of enemies. How have recent events helped to disorganize people who have been antagonistic to you?

•What action will help you move forward? Where can you seize opportunity and move your own goals ahead?

•What inner-obstacles are holding you back? How can you get rid of them to charge fearlessly ahead?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Knight : Mounted, riding forward, with sword raised in action, the figure here represents the moment of action itself and the decisive change it can bring.

• Sword : Raised and ready for battle as it is, the sword in this case symbolizes strength and action, as it does throughout the suit.

• Mount : Swiftness, action, and the resources needed to carry the battle forward decisively.

• Armor : Prepared to handle mental challenges; callous; focused.

• Horse : Mental strength and impulse.

• Birds : A whirlwind of mental energy but potentially disorganized in nature.

The core meaning of the Knight of Swords is action without consideration. Whether this leads to victory or strife is determined by context, but in any case, the night is swift action, whether or not that action happens to be backed by wisdom.

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