Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

When it appears upright, the Two of Pentacles can be interpreted as a good sign of the balance and harmony of the day-to-day ups and downs of a normal life. Family, friends, work, health, new ideas, finances and many other areas fall into this category. The ultimate message of this card is one of organization and priorities.

If you can take the time to step back and organize all of your responsibilities, prioritizing what’s most important to you, you are likely to be more satisfied with life. Sometimes this means cutting back on something seemingly important, such as work. However, by focusing on your end goals and setting your priorities straight, you are more likely to be happier with the results of your hard work.

When it comes up reversed, the Two of Pentacles can just as easily represent discord and imbalance in your life. You might be putting too much focus on one priority to the extent that you are neglecting another. If this keeps up, you may find that you have to choose between two or more things that are very important to you, such as work and family. It helps to think about what is really important to you and what the big picture for your life is. Try to not overburden yourself with unnecessary trivialities of day-to-day life.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


From a general point of view, keep in mind that, first and foremost, the Two of Pentacles reminds you that balance is essential to your well-being. A human being’s destiny is all about choice and it is sometimes very difficult to juggle all the components skillfully. Although you have long been aware of the material realities of life and the goals you want to achieve, your hobbies, family and friends are also important to you. In a 24-hour day, it is often difficult to devote enough time to everyone and everything. The Two of Pentacles invites you to take a step back from your situation, to make some choices and to find ways to balance your needs wisely.

If you focus too much on your work, you risk gradually distancing yourself from your loved ones and suffering some form of psychological isolation. By focusing on the relationship aspect of your life, you will probably compromise your chances of achieving your goals in the short term. Like a tightrope walker, today you are facing a dilemma.

Ask yourself

•Do you feel overwhelmed with all of the things you have to do every day? You might benefit from taking a step back and balancing what is most important to you.

•Are new challenges coming at you from nowhere, upsetting the balance of your life? Don’t get distracted by the little things and focus on the big picture.

•Is there a problem looming just around the corner? Stay flexible and remember you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Fool : Representative of a young and happy approach to life, in spite of a few concerns.

• Pentagrams : Where one pentagram is higher than the other, it speaks of the ups and downs of life.

• Infinity Loop : Symbolizing infinity, making it seems as though the fool can juggle the pentagrams forever. The continuous process of being-making and affirming existence as well as monotony and habit.

• Ships on the Waves : Represents riding through the ups and downs of life as well as traveling to uncover the mysteries of being.

• Yellow Tunic : The red-yellow color symbolizes acceptance and interaction with the material world but also overindulgence, selfishness, and passion.

• Hat : Phoniness as in Pinocchio's nose as well as ambition, confidence, jealousy, and yearning.

The Two of Pentacles is a Minor Arcana tarot card that symbolizes balance and prioritization. It often indicates a need to balance the many responsibilities that come with life, such as family, finances and work

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