Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

You have reached the end of your journey! The Ten of Pentacles is the successful, happy end to the long and complicated road illustrated by the traditional tarot deck. Material abundance and security is certainly suggested by this card – after all, those golden pentacles are very visible in this picture – and so are spiritual attainment, relationship goals, and other personal ambitions.

The achieving of any long-term goal requires the hard work of the individual as well as their unwavering vision of success. Even though we like to imagine that success is always a matter of personal agency, the reality is that many other people prepare the way for us. Whether it is providing us with foundational knowledge, giving us a nudge in the right direction, or offering a helping hand when the going gets rough, other people have always provided certain forms of assistance. This has to be acknowledged and recognized.

Interestingly, the Pentacles illustrated on this card are arranged in formation suggestive of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Spiritual attainment as well as material success is directly indicated by this card. After all, not everyone’s idea of perfect success includes a large house and high-paying career. Success comes in many forms and so does our route towards it.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Ten of Pentacles evokes an immense sense of responsibility that characterizes you well. Because you were aware of what you wanted to achieve, you were able to put your energy to good use, in the areas that seemed most judicious. And today you can look back with pride on your achievements and enjoy the fruits of your work.

Your financial situation allows you to be completely serene when you consider the future. It offers you the opportunity to build a home in your image, i.e., stable, serious and respectable. In fact, family is very important to you, because it refers to those traditional building blocks that suit you very well.

In your eyes, your material prosperity is not something to be carefully squirreled away. You are motivated by the values of love and sharing, and you intend to benefit the people who are important to you. This is a humane attitude that is very honorable.

Ask yourself

•Which character in this card do you most identify with right now and why?

•What aspects of culture most inspire you, and how can you appreciate them communally?

•Your creative efforts will be realized when you can figure out how to connect them; what is the organizing principle?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Number 10 : The 10 coins spread out in a tree and are called the 10 Sephirot of cabbalistic tradition signifying material insights without a connective thread to put them to use.

• Woman and man : These two figures represent dialogue, discussion, playful romance in connection with the action of culture and community.

• Child : Taking in the ground level of experience; mastery through acquisition and practice; laying the groundwork.

• Elderly person : Knowledge and wisdom through pursuit of truth in sensuality and pleasure; a refined and confident sensuality.

• Dogs : Loyalty, desire, and animal nature.

• Garden : Symbolizing abundance growth, material success, pleasure, relaxation, healing, well-being, and familial good.

• Wall and arch : These elements both symbolize stability, security, and protection. This is a safe place to rest and reflect on everything you have learned as you’ve pursued your highest ideal; building links and networks but not knowing exactly how it all connects just yet.

• Spear : Preparedness, wandering, completed actions yet incomplete spiritual development.

This lovely card depicts success, relaxation, and pleasure. In many ways it is the ideal goal, the most perfect outcome we can image.

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