Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

This is a lovely card full of positive meanings; interestingly, these positive meanings can also spell disaster for the unwary. The Page of Pentacles symbolizes someone who is ready to take their first step into the wider world; they are full of energy and passion, ready to take on the world’s problems and discover solutions that no one else has considered. However, all their past successes may have left them unprepared for the inevitable experience of failure and disappointment.

Many young adults experience crushing disappointment when skills and talents that had been celebrated at home are not applauded by new friends, coworkers, peers, or teachers. This uncomfortable experience must be handled with considerable grace and maturity. People can learn to reevaluate their abilities and see their shortcomings without becoming neurotic in the process, but this can take time.

When this card appears, it can be a very positive indication of a fruitful course of action. Readers must be cautious of interpreting this as a sure sign of success, however; the positive outcomes suggested here might just be the growth that comes from painful learning experiences.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


Keep in mind that this minor arcana is associated with beginnings. Your ideas are clear enough and your vision of your goals is precise enough for you to get started on projects that matter to you. Also be aware that this card indicates your labors will be rewarded with material success.

After a period of doubt, you now have new energy that will allow you to climb the ladder. In the professional field, this could, for example, mean you have a well-thought out career plan. Your self-denial means you won't become discouraged by obstacles, while your strategic thinking qualities will make your forward progress easier. You have a deeply pragmatic nature and you know exactly what you have to do to make your vision concrete. Remember, however, that drawing the Page of Pentacles means that your quest is only just beginning. So, take advantage of his thirst for learning to gain knowledge and advance and shape your goals more precisely.

The Page of Pentacles is not associated with empathy, sensitivity and communication. Nevertheless, if it is present in your draw, it means that your loved ones will be able to count on your great sense of responsibility and your emotional stability. Your traditional view of love is extremely reassuring for the person who shares your life. Above all, you want them to feel safe, and you work so that they can enjoy the most beautiful things the world has to offer. Just remember sometimes to listen to them more carefully. Your partner needs to feel loved and reassured from an emotional point of view as well as material. It is this balance that will ensure the sustainability of your relationship.

Ask yourself

•When was the last time that you lost yourself in a project or in the pursuit of a goal?

•Do you prefer pursing goals under your own power, or do you enjoy collaborative problem solving?

•You are in a unique place right now. What is most valuable to you, and how can you use it as a ballast connecting you to your essential nature in times of change?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Youth : This young person represents vigor, ambition, and passionate energy. Young men and women in tarot typically symbolize the enthusiasm of youth as well as naiveté, foolhardiness, and recklessness.

• Clothing : The rich, elegant clothing worn by the youth shows that considerable success has already been enjoyed. Confidence, perhaps even overconfidence, is also symbolized.

• The Landscape : This beautiful natural environment is perfect for relaxing in and exploring; it provides much territory for discovery. The calmness of the day indicates that this is a good time to begin a new project.

• Page : The first member of the Court quartet, Pages symbolize untried skill, a desire for achievement, and potentially chaotic attempts at reaching intended goals.

• Yellow : Longing for material success; losing the self in pursuit of the material; differentiating the superficial from essential nature.

• Mountains : Distant obstacles and successes that are more spiritual in nature yet borne of a material nature.

• Land : A building sense of what to make of life and where to focus life-efforts.

• Clothes : The green clothes represent a fresh, natural exploration of the material world but also an over-fixation on it.

The Page of Pentacles shows a youth considering a beautiful golden pentacle hovering in the air just above their hands. They reach out to hold it gently, ignoring the beautiful environment surrounding them.

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