Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

When you draw this card, it might also represent someone else on whose work you rely to succeed. This will mean that they will remain reliable and perform the work required to meet your expectations. However, you might also need to take on more responsibility, even if that does not come with material gain. By taking charge, then you will gain in the long run.

There are many times in life where it feels as though you are trudging along, doing the same thing over and over with no real success. However, this card demonstrates that your hard work and toil is building the foundation for the future. If you continue on your path, you will reach your goals.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


Depending on the situation, the card may refer to your character traits or those of one of your friends or family.

In its most common meaning, this card translates your almost obsessive desire to succeed in your social life. You don't just need recognition from others, your desire is also driven by an urgent need for security. At a very early age you understood the importance of work and money as part of your quest for fulfillment. So today you are deploying all your energy to ensure that in the long term you'll have the material prosperity that you so badly need. Your constancy, your self-sacrifice and your strategic qualities will be valuable tools for this.

For a long time, your equable temperament and loyalty have made you much appreciated by the people around you. Although you are sometimes lacking a little sensitivity and compassion, your friends know they can count on you. You do not hesitate to help them in your way when the opportunity arises. Never neglect this part of your life which is just as essential to your happiness as your financial success. As always, personal fulfillment inevitably involves the alliance of duty and heart.

Ask yourself

•How can you reorganize your financial dealings to minimize waste and get the best bang for your buck?

•What can you focus on right now that will help you get to where you want to be in the future? What discrete steps are you already taking toward this end?

•Have you been avoiding an inevitable conflict? You have the self-possession necessary to dive into the altercation and return improved.




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Knight : Unlike a page, the knight has actually taken on the responsibility to achieve a dream.

• Horse : The muscular horse moves steadily forward on intuition. It goes bravely into the unknown. It may also represent muddled emotions and memories.

• Coin : Learning what is for the taking; balancing self-interest with communal gain; setting and exploring boundaries.

• Eyes : The eyes of the knight are looking out across the field, and he is in serious thought and consideration, engaging in ways to make his dreams become a reality.

• Armor : Vision limited by reliance on others or outdated modes of being; readiness to enter conflict; strength of will.

• Land : Working to create the ideal life with a potential for overworking it.

The Knight of Pentacles is a Minor Arcane tarot card symbolizing ambition, vision and grounded nature. It often represents contemplating a future change, especially in regards to career.

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