Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The King of Pentacles is all about stability and power. Due to the king’s ability to create wealth and wisdom, he finds himself rather unaffected by any daily woes. Not only is he secure in his own abundance, but he also shares his abundance with others.

Drawing the King of Pentacles can of course go either way. While, on the positive side, the king has attained fulfillment, it is possible to draw the reversed card, which can denote instability and stinginess. For this reason, it is important to harness the card’s ability to help lead you to a path of security. To be true, this security must not only be in relation to material possessions, but also involving emotional strength and daily discipline.

When drawing this card upright, you might want to consider the ways in which you have positive control over your life. You have most likely found a sense of peace by creating a disciplined life that results in material comfort. Your ambition and drive have propelled you seek out effective ways to create a rich life, both materially and spiritually. You have probably looked around you while creating your abundance and have freely shared your wisdom with others. If you have drawn this card reversed, perhaps you have become too focused on accumulation without opening yourself up to the world around you.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


This arcana speaks above all of financial success and material accumulation. And, in fact, this character is the very essence of this.

You are completely aware of the material realities of human life and very early on you understood the role played by money in your development. Your success is by no means a coincidence, it is entirely the result of your ability to plan, to be committed to your work and the efforts you have made for many years. You can now really enjoy life without having to worry about finding yourself in want.

However, you aren't just thinking about yourself. The most important thing for you is to be able to find fulfillment within your family. The well-being of your home is essential to you, and although you are sometimes somewhat authoritarian, you do not hesitate to share the fruits of your success with those you love.

Ask yourself

•You may need to take a look at your financial situation and consider how to do things differently. Is it time for a career change, or managing your money in a different way?

•Have you found yourself being stingy with others? An upright King of Pentacles denotes a giving spirit that is willing to help those in need.

•Is your self-esteem embroiled in what you possess? Your talents exist outside the material sphere, as well.




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Throne : The king has inhabited a secure position and is able to rest in his material satisfaction.

• The Bulls : Representing Taurus slow growth and stubbornness, brute strength, aggression and healthy virility.

• Vines, Plants and Flowers : These symbolize abundance and obtaining material gratification; enjoyment of life and sensuality; celebration and enjoyment of material existence; hedonism.

• The Golden Coin : Representative of wealth at hand. The coin is held loosely and could easily slip relating that without prudence, imbalance results.

• The Castle : What you have been able to build that cannot easily be torn down.

• Robe : Commitment to the enjoyment of life; potential for overindulgence.

The tarot card Minor Arcana King of Pentacles is all about financial security, personal happiness and spiritual attunement.

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