Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

Pentacles are a fascinating suit. Also called coins or discs, this symbol represents the final stage of manifestation from the most subtle and energetically dynamic realms to the most concrete and reluctant to change. Although many readers interpret Pentacles to refer more or less exclusively to financial matters, these cards actually discuss our relation to the material world, financial forces, belongings, inheritance, career, and material well-being on personal and collective levels.

The Four of Pentacles in particular is likely to be interpreted as being either a miser – someone holding on to their wealth no matter what – or someone so rich that material lack never affects them. Although it is possible that this card may appear in a reading relating to a person’s spending, saving, and long-term financial decisions, it is perhaps more likely that it will refer to wealth in a more general way. What possessions or resources are highly valued? Are things like time and skill more important than money? How do we evaluate the relative worth of the many resources we have at hand? Are we overlooking a resource just because it does not appear to have much financial value?

The stable nature of the wealth suggested by this card makes it generally a very fortunate one in readings. However, like all other forms of energy, money only works best when it is allowed to circulate. Consider ways in which different resources can be cultivated, enhanced, and circulated for the benefit of all. After all, sometimes wealth is not the solution to a person’s problem. Someone may be needing your affection, attention, counsel, or skill in order to meet their specific needs.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Four of Pentacles is a happy testimony to the financial independence that you have gradually acquired over the years as a result of your effort. Your practical intelligence made you aware of the role played by money in our society very early on. This helped you to choose your professional path with discernment and put in place the most appropriate strategies to meet your goals. Today you have everything you need and you can consider your future serenely. Your financial security and that of your loved ones is now assured. You shouldn't hesitate to congratulate yourself for this responsible approach.

However, a human being's fulfillment doesn't only depend on the amount of money in their bank account. By focusing your energy on your professional life, are you taking the risk of forgetting other areas that are just as important for your well-being? Spend more time with the people you love and occasionally just let yourself just daydream a little. 

Ask yourself

•The man in the card is very sure of his abundance; what resources do you feel very secure about?

•Stability and predictability are suggested by this card; do you find your physical circumstances very stable?

•What are your feelings about spending money versus saving?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Seated figure : Powerful, commanding, and well-dressed, this person is clearly experiencing the very best that money can buy.

• Crown and throne : Signifying royalty as well as a legacy of power. In some respects this can also suggest a lonely ruler or even a miser.

• Rich City : Tall stone and brick towers can be seen in the distance. This speaks of generational wealth, inheritance, and financial legacy from the distant past as well as isolation from community.

• Number four : The digit representing the firm stability of the earth element; a stable foundation, surety, trustworthiness; potential for stubbornness and a resistance to change.

• City Towers : Overseeing; unchecked narcissism and neuroticism; governing from afar.

A seated man clasps a large golden pentacle to his chest while other pentacles are seen under his feet and behind his head.

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