Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The Five of Pentacles challenges the idea that material abundance is endless; just one wall separates abundance from deprivation.

This particular Five challenges ideas about personal material security and asks hard questions about how we relate to the fact of poverty, pain, disability, disease, and generational privation. Even if we feel helpless to solve the overarching problems, we are still trying to assist individuals? Who have we helped? Who have we shied away from helping?

Finally, this card makes us take a hard look at our own responses to finding ourselves in trying circumstances. When faced with pronounced need have we asked for the necessary help? Have we sought assistance to solve our problems? Have we even been able to recognize help when it is offered?



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


This card reflects the financial difficulties you are currently experiencing. Whether they result from an ill-advised choice of investment or the loss of a job, you're finding this period of doubt and lack particularly difficult to live with.  It's making a mess of everything you've been fighting for in recent years and is have a lasting effect on your morale.

Although it's normal to feel undermined, don't forget that ups and downs are a normal part of a human being's destiny. By agreeing to ask for help from your relatives or family, and your courage, will and self-sacrifice, this difficult period will soon be a distant memory. Take this opportunity to question the values that drive you and the goals you would like to achieve.

You were once worried about your social and professional success, but maybe you put too much importance on money? Perhaps you have neglected other very important facets of your well-being? I'll leave you to think about these fundamental questions!

Ask yourself

•What do you really need to survive? Was there a time when you had everything you needed? What changed?

•Has your focus on spiritual or intellectual matters made you feel like an outcast or exile from your community? 

•How can you work with those around you to make the best out of a difficult situation?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Number five : Each of the fives in the minor arcana are related to strife, struggle, disappointment, and challenge in some way. In tarot, five is a number of transition and growth – two things that are rarely comfortable.

• Pentacles : Pentacles often refer to the material world, physical concerns, practical matters, and the earth element. It is the final suit in many decks, indicating that this is the last stage in the process of manifestation.

• Beggars : The man and woman on this card certainly indicate illness, poverty, lack, and destitution in one’s immediate life, but they can also have more complex meanings. For instance, they can represent neglect of the material world and the physical condition; focusing too much on one’s intellectual life or on spiritual matters can lead to a shaky material foundation.

• Snow : The falling snow adds another layer of pathos to an already poignant scene. Even in the coldest times of year, storms can still occur; similarly, situations where people are already experiencing hardship can be made unnecessarily worse through cruelty, denial of care, and neglect.

• Church or manor house : The stout stone wall behind the figures on this card might belong to a church, castle, or a rich dwelling. Inside is light and warmth where we can imagine all the good things in life are being enjoyed. However, all that separates this abundance from the deprivation outside is a single window; circumstances can change quickly, no matter how strong the walls we try to build against disaster.

The Five of Pentacles depicts two mendicants – beggars seeking aid at a brightly lit church or castle. Both people are walking against the falling snow.

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