Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The suit of Pentacles deals primarily with earthly matters, such as business, finances and physical wellness. The Eight of Pentacles, therefore, depicts the journey of the apprentice as he strives to master the skills he will need to succeed in these areas. However, this card can have more than one meaning for those who are actively trying to find take on new challenges.

The apprentice is a character who is driven to find fulfillment even if takes a long time to achieve the desired results. He values persistence and will do anything to prove that he can take on the burdens of his trade. In this scene, he painstakingly chisels the design into each coin, demonstrating his capacity for consistency and detail. Unfortunately, the same focus and motivation that pushes him onward can just as easily weigh him down. On the tree trunk, six pentacle coins are already neatly mounted, but the seventh coin has been cast to the ground as he finishes the final commission of the day. If you are experiencing a similar feeling of stagnation, try to recall what aspects of your work bring you the most joy and satisfaction.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


This card most announces a period of transformation, which will allow you to evolve rapidly on your life path. Lately, you've felt a sort of wake up call. You haven't been as happy with your daily life as you used to be and so you naturally felt that a number of things needed to be improved. No external element has forced you to change, you have felt the need inside yourself.

In order to change you have accepted the need to question some of your certainties, but also to look at your behavior. This flexibility is rare, and I congratulate you for it. It allows you to understand life from a new angle and to use your energy for the things that are really important to you today.

By openly embracing the virtues of change, you are now focusing on the new goals that you have recently established. Your ability to learn new things and the self-sacrifice you always show will be precious allies for you. 

Ask yourself

•The apprentice shown on this card has his head bowed in deep concentration, absorbed in the detail of his task. Are there any areas of your life that you should approach with more care or dedication?

•Are you bored with your job? The Eight of Pentacles is a sign of understanding and knowledge, so this might be the perfect time to master a new set of skills.

•Do you have a tendency to isolate yourself when you are working or studying too hard? It is good to remain focused on your goals, but remember to take a break once in a while to appreciate the world around you.




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Craftsman : A continuous desire to learn; someone who is willing to go above and beyond normal standards; self-analysis.

• Pentacle Coins : Materialism and earthly treasures, a symbol of quality and value. The coin on the ground signifies the self including latent talents, spirit, and underemphasized strengths.

• Pole : Mastery through repetition; focus; culmination of small effort into a life's work.

• The Castle : Venturing away from the familiar, setting aside past pursuits in the interest of future fulfillment.

• Hammer and Chisel : Diligence and self-control; a reminder to be patient yet precise in all that you do.

In the Minor Arcana, the Eight of Pentacles tarot card represents a great effort to achieve. This usually corresponds with extended periods of hard work and development.

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