Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

Good things can come from unexpected places, and that is the overall message when an Ace of Pentacles appears upright for you. There are many different forms this can take, including monetary, work, family and even good health. As with any card, the good or bad that appear to be indicated are dictated more by the approach you take to the different challenges occurring in your life.

Pentacles are often associated with wealth or matters involving money. Focusing on positive energy could help you to accomplish your goals and see abundance with your finances. As with any financial undertaking, however, it is important to approach every choice you make carefully. Just because an Ace of Pentacles shows up does not necessarily mean you are going to win the lottery. Through smart management of your money, you should be able to make out comfortably.

While an upright Ace of Pentacles indicates good fortune, the reversed card has starker indications. It is even more important to be careful with the choice you make, from the people you associate with to where you choose to put your money. There could be corruption or greed around you, those who are seeking after you only for your money. It can also indicate an unhealthy obsession with earning more to the detriment of other areas of your life. Whether the card turns up upright or reversed, careful planning and prioritization of the important aspects of your life – including your associations and finances – should help you to maintain comfort and on course toward realizing your ultimate goals.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Ace of Pentacles is a good omen for your future financial stability and material fulfillment. Thanks to it, you can expect substantial cash inflows, which may be the result of your hard work or unexpected sources of income.

The Ace of Pentacles is generally considered to represent the promise of a fulfilling career. If you are under its influence, it means that you are fully aware of your material responsibilities. Although some people fantasize about living on love and fresh air, to use a well-known expression, one day they will have to face up to what society expects from them. As a down-to-earth personality, you'd rather make sure your back's protected and take the lead.

In your quest to become secure you can count on your natural enthusiasm and ability to plan ahead to help your career. Your approach has nothing of instinct in it, it is a meticulously thought out process. Take advantage of the beneficial influence of the Ace of Pentacles to continue on your way.

Ask yourself

•Has a new opportunity or change suddenly appeared in your life? You may see some sort of unexpected blessing come your way.

•Where can your innate and learned talents overlap to help you obtain stability in the material world?

•What are your skills? What skills are you still working on? Are there any skills of yours which are no longer useful? What is your next move?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Coin : The pentacle inside the coin represents the relationship between money and the objects it assigns value to in the material world.

• Hand From The Clouds : This represents the hand of heaven, or something such as an opportunity coming from above.

• Pentagram : This star symbolizes five points on the human body including feet, hands, and head. It also stands in for earth, air, fire, and water and their combined, quintescent power. 

• Budding Landscape : The new flowers and greenery are symbols of the paradise of youth, the return to which motivates our actions throughout life.

• Archway : The doorway between two very different realms or experiences; on the brink of a new mode of being where the rules are different than before.

• The Lake : The water at the bottom of the card is depicted as a calm surface with water-lilies growing on it, suggestive of calm and peace.

• Sky : Grayness represents equilibrium that may result from a lack of information or experience but also fairness and calm.

The Ace of Pentacles symbolizes a gift from the hand of heaven. It often means the appearance of a new opportunity or prosperity.

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