Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The Three of Cups shows an exuberant, extravagant celebration. It’s time to party! The women on this card indicate particularly female-centered celebrations. This card also shows an abundance of harvest produce that represents a variety of fruitfulness. Whatever endeavor you are embarking on, this card indicates it will prosper.

In addition to the literal growth of produce, this card indicates a period of emotional growth. You will find it easier to form new connections. This is the time to go out and make new friends and work contacts. Whether you are dating or looking for a new job, this card tells you that you will find it easy to talk to people and connect to them. If you are in a relationship, this time may find you getting engaged or married. The party motif on this card can signal many types of celebrations, including weddings. As is the case with the women on this card, your cup will be full for now. .

Parties and celebrations can have their downsides too, as anyone knows who has witnessed drunken relatives getting into a fight at a wedding. Be on your guard for the negative consequences of excessive partying. This can be a simple hangover or a destructive force that can destroy your relationships if you are not careful. The things that bring us together can also tear us apart. Celebrating together can bring us closer or introduce competitiveness, gossiping and backstabbing. On a less dramatic level, the Three of Cups reversed can merely symbolize the flatness you feel after a big celebration or success. Don’t get so carried away with your success that you forget to consider potential negative consequences.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


This card is closely associated with your romantic life and other relationships.

In a love reading, the Three of Cups often signifies the end of a conflict with yourself or your other half or the resolution of your painful memories. Your heart is now fully ready to love, and you intend to make the most of it. In your quest to be part of a couple, your other half will be able to count on your reassuring tenderness, your natural empathy and your tender words.

If you are single, you now have all the cards you need to plunge headfirst into the wonderful world of love.  Your wounds are finally healed, and you feel ready to live new adventures when the right person appears in your life.

The Three of Cups also improves the quality of your friendships. So, you're always ready to say yes when an outing is organized and give unfailing support when one of your loved ones needs you. Feel free to respond positively to new acquaintance so you can enlarge your social life.

Ask yourself

•The three women on this card are dancing in a circle and having a good time. Which three women play a positive role in your life and make you feel confident?

•The Three of Cups is a harbinger of emotional development. If you are in a relationship, how can you take it to a new level?

•Are you concerned about your career? This card signals successful teamwork and celebration. What is your role in the group you are part of?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Women : Three women are dancing in a circle and holding hands, symbolizing connection and celebration.

• The Harvest : Fruits and pumpkins are spread out around the women and flowers are twined in their hair as a symbol of plenty

• The Cups : As elsewhere, these are signs of prosperity. The women hold them above their heads as they dance, depicting a celebration of success. They also represent rising above tragedy or disappointment but could also mean being prideful.

• Dancing : This motion represents being swept up in life. Be careful not to lose yourself.

• Sky : The clear, blue sky means divine sanity, lucidity, and spiritual connectedness as well as gullibility and ignorance.

The Three of Cups represents happiness, connection and fruitfulness. It signals a time of emotional growth and celebration.

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