Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

This is such a sweet, friendly card! That said, it occurs just after the mixed blessings of the Five of Cups and just before the complexity and insubstantial blessings of the Seventh. I often see it as an emotional refuge of some kind, or as a card indicating an emotional ally.

Reversed, this can be a warning not to get caught up in memories of the past or reminiscences about what might have been. It can also caution you against an unexpected – and unwanted – intrusion that you thought you have left behind.

Although this scene is very homey, it is clearly in a populated location; this suggests the cottage is a refuge from busy activity and is not necessarily far removed from your normal routine. It can be a call to look for resources that are close to home.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Six of Cups is closely linked to feelings of nostalgia and the happiness of childhood. All your experiences have profoundly influenced the person you are today. They have allowed you to forge a vision of your own life and to get a better understanding of what is really important to you today. Now, you are now calmer when a problem arises, and better able to find a durable solution when there is an obstacle in front of you. To sum up, your past has made you a better person, more mature and serene. I congratulate you!

In a perfectly natural way, however, you sometimes tend to look at your past through rose tinted glasses, as if you were convinced that your past was a true golden age. Your memory is probably playing tricks on you. Although it's true that you are built of your experiences, they should in no way replace the new opportunities that are open to you today. Instead of turning your gaze backwards, anchor your feet firmly to the earth of the present and look towards the horizon of the future. Your life is being built now, at this very moment!

Ask yourself

•What emotions come to mind when considering the scene depicted on this card? Does the presence of children evoke a sense of comfort or a momentary return to innocence?

•There is an interesting contrast between the castle and the cottage in the background; what associations do you have with these two structures and what could they represent for you?

•White flowers are shown filling up each cup with abundant growth and beauty; what kind of abundance do you think is being represented?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Man (or young boy) : A comforting presence; possibly a provider, friend, or confidant.

• Woman (or young girl) : A domestic presence; a supportive, friendly person and a nurturing influence.

• Castle : This castle could suggest protection and security, but it might also be keeping important influences and ideas out.

• Cups : In the upper right is a cozy cottage or church. Domesticity and new beginnings are meanings frequently associated with houses; the female figure might live in this house or she might just be passing by.

• Cups : The cups suit is traditionally associated with emotions and creativity as well as with relationships and deep personal development. When Cups cards show up in a reading they might speak of the emotional dimension of a situation.

• Six : A sacred number of stability, connected to heavenly realms.

• White flowers and green leaves : Growth and newness; new opportunities may arise, familiar circumstances will feel fresh again, and new friendships may blossom.

This optimistic card is a welcome rest in the midst of the emotional upheaval shown in the Five of Cups. A certain degree of stability has been regained, but will it be a lasting state of healing and restoration or a brief interlude before deeper work unfolds?

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