Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

I think the Seven of Cups is one of the most mysterious and interesting cards in the entire traditional tarot deck. In many ways, this card illustrates everything we want – wealth, material possessions, spiritual attainment, and so forth – but we have not yet reached the end of our journey through the Cups suit. This means that there may be an element of dissatisfaction in this attainment, or we might discover that we achieved something that turned out to be less desirable than we had hoped.

This card can also indicate that a choice will need to be made among many options that all seem equally appealing. It can be hard to decide which options are best, especially when one course of action might appear to be the path we “should” take.

Ultimately, a great deal of self-knowledge must be leveraged at this crossroads. Although the union of heaven and earth suggested by the number seven has finally occurred, there are still other places to explore; we will need all our wisdom to succeed.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Seven of Cups is associated with the world of emotions and desire, and it confronts you with your buried dreams and desires. These will be priceless treasures if you learn how to understand them.

Choice is an inevitable part of your destiny. Throughout your life, you have had to take countless decisions, which have played a major role in building your current day to day life. Are you sure that the decisions you made truly reflected who you are and were not just a reflection of the innumerable forces imposed by society today? If you really want to be yourself, I strongly invite you to think about what really motivates you and your unfulfilled desires.

This is not a matter of just yielding to all of your impulses, but rather of determining the ones that come back time and again and that could help you to fill the holes in your life. Be careful that your dreams are not just illusions and that you are dreaming about something that could one day become a concrete part of your life.

Ask yourself

•If the gold coins represent money and the castle a grand place to live, what form of wealth might the dragon or snake represent? What will your next venture be?

•Material wealth does not tempt everyone; what type of achievements are important to you?

•What is hidden being the veil of the center cup? Which of your desires go unacknowledged or unfullfilled and how can you honor them?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Cloud : Fantasy, imagination, desire; potential falsehood. You might be tempted by many options or these options might be based on illusion.

• Castle : Strength, stability, luxury. Do you desire a place to hide away from the world? Are you looking for a place to rule from? Who do you want to share this castle with?

• Gold and jewels : Material wealth, treasure. More than just money, this pile of gems speaks of opulence and excess.

• Laurel wreath : Recognition, fame, celebrity. Note that the chalice holding the wreath of fame and renown also has a small skull on it; the desire for recognition can be quite toxic.

• Dragon : Esoteric wisdom, spiritual growth, magical exploration. Do you want to succeed in spiritual studies?

• Face : Success in love and romance; partnership. You might have an ideal partner in mind – but remember, these might all be imaginary.

• Veiled figure : Hidden desires, unacknowledged goals. Remember, some hidden goals motivate our behavior even though we do not want to admit it.

• Snake : Secrecy, subtlety, renewal, rebirth. There are many kinds of success; not all of them are very showy.

A shadowy human stands in front of a cloud supporting seven golden cups containing treasures and emblems of power and success. One cup appears to contain a small human figure but the face is obscured by an opaque veil.

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