Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

In most situations, drawing the Page of Cups means that something exciting is on the horizon for you. For those wanting something new to happen in their love life, this card may point to that direction. The youthful emotional energy of the card may mean you’re in store for an exciting, new relationship. Love may be right around the corner, either with a stranger or someone from your past who you’ve always admired from afar.

Your career situation could also be in store for some exciting developments if this card is part of your reading. Maybe you’ll finally get that aha moment that will allow you to complete a project. You could also fully realize the extent of your creative talents, or you may need to learn to trust your instincts. The fish in the cup could represent your intuition about the direction of a project. This may be the sign you’ve been waiting for that tells you if you’re on the right track.

While much of this card is related to positive energy, the reverse of this card could mean troubling things. Your latest love may not feel the same as you, or your creativity could stumble. Either way, this card could be a precursor to many dramatic developments in your life.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


All you need to do is agree to listen more closely to your instinct and get closer to your emotions. Like a spark that lights a fire, this card goes hand in hand with the beginning of something new. You will soon go through a period of great creativity, which will allow you to change your way of life.

To take advantage of these beneficial changes, you first need to take some time alone with yourself and cut yourself off from the constant noise that prevents you from concentrating more deeply. Pay attention: through your dreams or your intuition, your unconscious is trying to get in touch with you, to share your hidden desires and aspirations with you.  Don't neglect them, you need to be closer to them if you want to be more in harmony with yourself.

Although the Page of Cups can sometimes affect your professional life, it is in your relational sphere that it is likely to play an important role. For example, he may encourage you to put aside all your everyday obligations for a while and focus on your love life. Be attentive, a meeting is on the agenda.

Ask yourself

•You are ready to face your fears. What direct action can you take in this regard?

•Do you have a unique, creative idea that you are not sure will work? Can you trust your instincts and let your talents speak for themselves?

•This card’s appearance may also suggest you need to trust your emotions more. Have you reconnected with someone from your past and are not sure if your feelings are real?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Page : The young page is on his way to becoming the master. He is optimistic, ready to experiment, and not afraid to fail in pursuit of mastery.

• The Cup : This suit of cards is known for representing emotional energy.

• The Fish : The fish inside of the cup symbolizes alternatively flexibility and depth but also naivety and gullbility.

• The Fancy Dress : The page is wearing an elaborate outfit of bright colors and fancy adornment shows us that he takes his own opinion seriously. He wears his emotions and his true feelings are free-flowing.

• Blue Hat : This fish-like hat means that the page uses his wisdom playfully which may occasionally cause trouble. He is a spiritual being but has not come to mature spiritual fulfillment. He still has lessons to learn.

The Page of Cups is a Minor Arcana Tarot card that could signify an upcoming renewal of creative energy. This card may also suggest that some type of youthful emotional experience may be upcoming in your life.

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