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La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The Nine of Cups shows the beneficial side of overindulgence, as the restorative effects of gluttony lead to a rested and ready state where one can take advantage of new opportunities and find growth. While the picture on the card usually demonstrates material growth, interpretations in divination vary more widely, invoking mental growth and enrichment, spiritual freedom, and other positive benefits that come from prosperity and the absence of want.

In reverse, this card still carries virtues, but they are less material and more philosophical. In these readings the card brings elements of truth, liberty, and loyalty, but it can also include mistakes or missteps. This indicator of imperfection in these things might mean a mixed loyalty or an imperfect truth, or it could mean that attaining these values comes at a cost.

When considering how to interpret the Nine of Cups, remember that like all of the Minor Arcana, its meanings are multiple because you are invited to examine the space between them. To that end, considering extra implications of the card’s number or suit can be a great way to gain a deeper insight into its role in your current reading.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


Associated with the emotions of joy and happiness, the Nine of Cups is a happy omen for your future life. Its influence is wide, because you can feel it in your professional sphere, your friendships and your romantic relationship. The card indicates contentment. It encourages you to pursue your dreams and separate the wheat from the chaff. With this card you'll focus only on the things that are really important to you.

You're more motivated than ever to make progress and you've confronted the injuries in your past so you can understand them better. Although your past wounds have made their impression on your character, they're no longer stopping you from doing what you want. You feel free and full of momentum that you plan to take advantage of.

However, be careful to always be realistic. In order for your dreams to become reality, you will have to have a concrete plan for pursuing them. So, don't just plan to succeed, start working for that success now!

Ask yourself

•Interpretations of this card have to do with it being a sign of concord or harmony. In what ways are multiple aspects of your life coming together to work in unity?

•What forces have come together to make you feel so uniformly wonderful and robust? 

•Lately you enjoy your own company. What new activities can you take up in your private time which will then embellish your time with others?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Cups : The nine cups in the image symbolize abundance and contentment that comes from it, yet the cups are out of view meaning that the character may not have control over the full spectrum of his emotions.

• The Glutton : Content and happy, he sits relaxed and ready, neither slowed nor dulled by his revelry. His attire points to the multiple dimensions of prosperity enjoyed.

• Seated Position : The figure is grounded and robust but the crossed arms represent a guarded or stubborn quality. 

• Red Cap and Socks : Vital and male yang energy infuse this character. He is a mover and shaker. He takes action and speaks his mind boldly and sometimes is swayed by his passions.

• Robe : The man's clothes represent purity and innocence but also mastery. In some ways he is wise but in others, like a child.

One’s first impression is of gluttony, which is accurate, but the Nine of Cups serves as a celebration, not a warning. In the Minor Arcana, its role is to underscore the ways that gluttony or feasting expand both the mind and the body.

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