Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

Travel, especially of the psyche. Charting a responsible course for thoughts and emotions

Interestingly, this card with its mighty cup has been linked to Arthurian legend and the Fisher King, in the quest for the Holy Grail. This card, however, is important to us here and now because it speaks of open-minded intelligence used for the common good. We must focus and be set on placing intellect above unreliable, emotion-driven sources. This may mean we sometimes stand alone, but that is what all leaders do. Once they recognize that a responsible, meaningful vision has been established, that alone is their north star. So must we be.

The ocean signals excellent communication and intuition, realms that are sometimes sadly unexplored thoroughly. The King of Cups tells us to investigate and examine them, to consider them in the context of our own lives. To function authoritatively, we must be able to discern truth from the loud babble of the collective voice. This card urges careful consideration first, followed by confidence in our intuition and abilities. However, we must never sit still. Ongoing education, open minds and intelligent questioning will mean we are always current in making our choices.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


From a general point of view, you should look on this character as the very symbol of mature love, capable of giving advice to those who ask for it and offering all the tenderness that those close to him need. His extensive life experience means the King of Cups has great maturity and perspective. It is thanks to these qualities that people tend to gravitate towards him. Your draw probably means that you are now enjoying a rare emotional stability, which allows you to do good for those around you and make progress on your life path feeling in perfect harmony with your true being. You know how to analyze your emotions when the moment is right, without ever being deceived by them. This self-control is a valuable tool: it gives you the chance of crossing obstacles without hindrance. Your natural serenity will irresistibly charm those who are lucky enough to cross your path!

Ask yourself

• The King of Cups promotes open minds and constant learning, most notably in the arts, science and religion. Is it time for you to continue your education, especially in the classics?

•The King of Cups is a natural diplomat and negotiator, with finessed communication abilities and an innate ability to observe the smallest nuance of his opponent. Do you need to refine and improve your negotiation skills?

•There are many roles in which to lead—father, mother, prime minister or president, spiritual leader, and much to consider in achieving sound leadership, especially the qualities of compassion and faith. What leadership roles do you currently have, and how can you improve the quality of your leadership?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The King : Just and compassionate leader, honest, open-minded, intelligent, gifted in communication.

• Fish : Emotion, creativity, intuition. Abundance if we guide our passions.

• Ocean : The figure floats on the waves, in touch and unswayed by his emotions. He is goverened by restraint and wisdom.

• Ship : Travel, especially of the psyche. Charting a responsible course for thoughts and emotions.

• Throne : Prudence and stoicism. Fair judgement and equality with a tendency to be harsh.

• Aquatic Creature : Delving into his emotions without fear, the King reveals his inner spiritual nature. He is not frightened by its strange qualities.

The King of Cups is a Royal Arcane Tarot card that speaks of noble leadership and negotiation. It also carries respect for and knowledge of religion and spiritual matters, science and philosophy.

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