Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

In this card, the figure is shown sitting in an attitude of extreme passivity. His arms are folded and his legs are crossed, indicating that he will not be moving anytime soon. His gaze is turned inward, not focusing on anything around him. Overall, this card represents a turning inward that has both positive and negative aspects.

There are times when we need to disengage from the world around us and think deeply about our life and purpose. Outside distractions can keep us too busy to re-evaluate and take stock of where we are. The Four of Cups depicts a dissatisfaction or exhaustion with a current situation. The man here wants to make changes, but is not ready to make them yet because he does not know what they should be. You may feel that you are stuck spinning your wheels and you are not quite sure how to make that change. It may be time to shut down for a while and work out where you need to go from here.

The Four of Cups also shows the opposite of disaffection. The symbolism of the tree and the cup being offered to the figure remind us that we cannot and should not withdraw from the world forever. Looking inward should be a respite, not a permanent situation. When you are ready for action again, the opportunities for prosperity and connection are there.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


Maybe it's time to take a look at your deepest desires and perhaps re-evaluate the nature of your relationship. Under the influence of the suit of Cups, you've never wanted to be part of a couple because society wants you to but because you believe being part of a couple is the best way for you to raise your spirituality, making use of the values of sharing, love and tenderness that are so important to you.

Although your couple is already well established and seems strong in the eyes of other people, what is the real truth of it? Love is a fragile thing that can only withstand the ravages of time through courage, hard work and compassion. If the effort hasn't been made, nothing can hold back apathy and boredom.

Don't hesitate to take an objective look at the reality of your relationship, the mistakes you made and the possibilities of change. By blowing the wind of change over your relationship, you'll give yourself a chance to set off again on the path of life together, with a light step that suits you.

Ask yourself

•Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut? You may need some time to yourself to work through whatever is holding you in this pattern.

•If you feel unable to engage with the world around you, disappointment or depression can be to blame. What can you do right now to put you on the right track? Someone offered you something recently, and you can still take them up on it.

•Do daydreams seem more worthwhile than real life? Like the figure on this card, you may be ignoring opportunities around you in favor of dreaming. How can you know if now is the time to act or patiently wait?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Figure : The figure is sitting on the ground with arms and legs crossed, representing lack of action, reflection, pause, and meditation.

• The Cups : Three cups are standing on the ground in front of the figure, but they are ignored, depicting extreme indifference even to the good things that are right before us.

• The Fourth Cup : A hand is reaching out from a cloud, holding out a fourth cup, which is also ignored. The state of mind symbolized here prevents us from seeing even blessings that are handed to us directly.

• The Tree : The tall tree behind the figure is showing its roots, a symbol for stability. It also reaches far above, representing a connection to spirituality as well as nature.

• Hillside : A private, removed post from which to repose while gathering emotional strength and insight.

The Four of Cups is symbolic of apathy and self-absorption. Drawing it can be a wake-up call that you are letting opportunities pass you by.

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