Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

While it is easy to read the card both literally and negatively, the Eight of Cups is actually a positive sign in most contexts despite its overtones of ending and its insinuations of disgust. The revelry is not being abandoned because it is immoral or because it was inappropriate, but simply because all of the wine has been drunk and everyone else has already gone. It is over, and the new beginning you are moving toward is generally a positive change after achieving closure.

When dealt in reverse, this change is more explicitly positive than when it is dealt upright, with clear connotations of happiness, joy, and celebration. In reverse, it can also indicate the beginning of celebration and the start of the process of moving into a new phase, rather than the end of an old one.

Last but not least, remember that this card can also indicate that a matter of great importance is, in fact, trivial. Alongside other cards that help to locate the mistaken perception, it can help you to understand what you might have over-emphasized recently.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


If you look clearly at your situation, you may realize the imperfections of the life you are currently leading. When you were younger what you wanted most was to live up to your values and dreams. You imagined yourself having a richer and more satisfying life than you do now.

If this awareness is causing you distress, it is important to seize the chance you are being offered today. As the card of the Wheel of Fortune teaches, change is an integral part of the destiny of human beings. You have all the qualities you need to make a positive impact on your future. All you need to do is accept you need to change some of your habits and regain control of your life.

Ask yourself

•Looking at the card as an indicator of satiety and a turning point, it is worth asking what habits or practices you have that are worth ending. In what ways can you use this moment of change positively?

•Where are you headed with such confidence and determination? How can you share your wisdom with others while continuing to grow in your own way?

•Joy, honor, and mildness are often interpreted into this card’s appearance, building on the idea of a turn toward sobriety in the image. In what ways does this turn mirror your current circumstances?




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• The Celebrant : In turning away and receding, he once again turns to walk the path, setting aside the feast and its revelries. Avoiding one's true nature or being in a state of denial.

• The Staff : Living with confidence while being mindful of others who may not have it yet.

• Sun and Moon : Balance of yin-yang and male-female energies. Feeling a balance between extroverted and introverted tendencies. Culmination of wisdom; far-reaching insight. Power and radiance as well as nurturance, fertility, and exuberance.

• Water : The river represents using ancient and intuitive knowledge to journey into the unconscious as well as physically journey to the source.

• Mountain : Emotional and spiritual high-points, goals, and achievements. Peak experiences that are within reach and in the past, giving strength.

• Cups : Humility and a humble nature. Confidence that does not obscure one's ability to accept new knowledge and be a good listener.

The image on the card is that of a person turning away in disgust from the signs of his overindulgence, and interpretations of the Eight of Cups tend to be based around the end of a matter, even when the implications of that ending are more positive.

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