Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The final card of the Major Arcana, The World depicts a woman dancing with two staffs. She is wrapped in a banner and her red hair blows in the wind behind her as she looks off to the side. In each corner of the card is a creature: a lion, ox, eagle, and a human head, representing the four elements of earth. The green banner or wreath encircling the naked woman resembles the ouroborous - snake biting its own tail - a symbol of infinity. There is no landscape in sight, so she seems to be floating over earth.

Some interpretations suggest the dancing figure is both man and woman. S/he is suspended between earth and sky. S/he is transcendent and beyond labeling, exceeding all expectations. In other decks the figure is holding a lemon and a staff, and the animals in each corner have red halos. In the center of everything, the figure holds the staff like a conductor. Despite all the contrasting forces in the world, the character has found a rhythm and a way to move freely amongst them.

The World card is similar to the eighth ox-herding stage in Zen Buddhism, stages characterizing the path to enlightenment. The image for the eighth stage is a simple circle drawn in ink, and it represents transcendence: “whip, rope, person, and bull - all merge.” Everything is connected in this stage, and there is no separation between self and other, opening the door toward endless transformation and possibilities. Generally one expects The World be depicted by a globe; it is surprising to see it represented by someone floating in the air. Nonetheless, it is by lifting off, transcending, that the whole view can be absorbed and the minute differences of everyday life merge into more global patterns.

Another aspect of this card, taking a cue from the ox-herding illustration, is emptiness. The figure is all alone, far from cities or villages, far from community. There is no one to offer encouragement or affirmation; s/he must be whole independently of these, despite having no material signs of her wholeness.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


You can enjoy everything that life has to offer. Joy, success and harmony are now part of your daily life.

You have probably already had to suffer some particularly dangerous tests during your life. Questions, doubts and sadness are inevitably part of a human being's life. Today you can say goodbye to them! The World will exert an extremely positive influence on you, offering you unparalleled inner harmony, Olympian calm and increased love of life. Good things are promised on the emotional and professional planes.

Your experience has allowed you to accurately determine your place in this world. You no longer doubt your goals and the confidence you have in your abilities means you can act in a way that respects the values you hold dear. The tumults are far behind you: today you are entirely focused on what really matters to you. This gives you a feeling of well-being that you have rarely encountered during your life. Make sure to share it with those around you!

Ask yourself

•What are the world’s rhythms? Try listening for a stretch of time - what do you hear, and what is the rhythm of your own thoughts? Do they make a harmony?

•Make a list of your most prominent traits, both personal and physical. Now, try to get in touch with the part of yourself that exceeds any of those labels. What is most mysterious about you?

•The figure in the card dances despite having no ground to stand on. What is stopping you from moving freely, from conducting rather than taking orders? Release it and be free.




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Wands : Spiritual fluidity or self and other.

• Wreath : A laurel crown on your existence – achieving holiness within your frame.

• Shawl : Tokens of material existence do not burden you.

• Elements : The elements, each represented by an animal, represent the interplay of earth’s forces to achieve transcendence.

• Figure : Open yet modest; brave without being a thrill-seeker; egolessness; independence and selflessness.

The World Card #21 stands for finding your rhythm, non-duality, transcendence, and a balance of independence and interdependence.

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