Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The Hermit card depicts the classic image of the hermit, or sage, holding a lantern. The sage is an old man with a bushy white beard. He wears a gray, hooded shroud and holds a tall, golden colored staff. Below him the ground is covered in snow, and the sky is a greyish blue denoting winter. He is looking down and his head is bowed forward toward the light--perhaps he feels the warmth of the lantern on his face. This card is not belabored with symbols: there is the lantern, a staff, and the hermit, or sage.

The Hermit lives alone and has much time to contemplate the big existential questions in life: “who am i,” “what is the meaning of life” and “what is the meaning of death” for example. Because this card is not burdened by many symbols, because the Hermit is in such a quiet place without distractions, he is able to thoroughly meditate upon these great questions. Because it is winter, even the natural environment is conducive to his studiousness: there are no tweeting birds, proliferating bunnies, or wildly colored flowers to distract him.

The lamp he holds represents the light of knowledge. Inside of it is a six-pointed star; through the light of knowledge he will gain a cosmic understanding surpassing that of the everyday sensibility. The staff helps keep The Hermit grounded and steady while he delves deep into these intuitive, mental realms. Because of the richness and focus of his interior life, The Hermit is not bothered by the cold, winter wilderness surrounding him. His warmth comes from within and from having lived a full life up to this point. He does not seek connection with others, although he is not opposed to it. He will greet whoever comes along his path with kindness and curiosity.

Also, The Hermit is humble. He bows his head down to the light of knowledge because he knows that he will never have all the answers. However, this does not stop him from seeking wisdom; his study is sacred.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


To take advantage of the character's teachings, it may be important for you to be able to take time for yourself so that you can take stock of your life and clarify certain situations that are preventing you from moving forward. If you doubt the direction of your career or you feel that your love life isn't as fulfilling as it used to be, this may be a sign that it is time to devote yourself to looking at your inner life.

The rhythm of everyday life is often too fast to allow us to calmly analyze our needs and desires. Sometimes you have to know how to say stop and learn to refocus on yourself. Thanks to the Hermit, you can begin this process from today. The character will ensure you receive wise advice, likely to change your life course in a direction that suits you more. Welcome him with open arms and take advantage of his wise teaching.

Ask yourself

•What big or deep questions do you have on your mind, and has anything happened recently that caused these questions to surface?

•Where do you go to focus on these deep questions? The Hermit holds a lamp and a staff; what accoutrements help you to focus?

•Have you been focusing on the external, for example, preoccupied with a landscaping project or a messy house? Try finding a focused and relaxed place within.




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Lamp : The light of knowledge in contrast to the shadows of ignorance. Wisdom and devotion to uncovering truth.

• Staff : The search for wisdom is a life-long journey.

• Cloak : Focus on inner values rather than superficial aestheticism.

• Sky : The misty sky represents the importance of mental agility despite a potentially bleak political or social landscape.

• Beard : Patience, old age, and kindness.

• Snow : Faith in oneself despite a lack of outside affirmation. Perseverance and trust.

The Hermit Card #9 represents humility, the light of knowledge, and the constant seeking of wisdom.

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