Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

The Empress, sitting calmly in a comfortable, flowing dress decorated with pomegranates, looks out at us from below her starry crown. Her demeanor is sweet and unassuming. She is in the middle of a forest where wheat grows, and a river arrives at her feet. Beneath her majestic, red-orange chair is the Venus symbol encrusted on a heart, representing feminine power. In her right hand she holds a scepter as her left rests calmly on her knee.

In the middle of the wilderness, The Empress is at home. She knows how to cultivate life from nature, how to make a harvest from the wheat at her feet, and this gives her confidence. Additionally, she is in touch with her sensuality and sexuality in a way that is inviting, tender, and wholesome. Her knees are slightly apart, and she leans back, ready to give or receive love. She is fertile, whimsical, and free.

The scepter, or wand, shows us that The Empress is divine, and the starry crown, that she is connected to the cosmos. She has a cosmic power that is not debased or undone by her intense and visceral connection to earth, which is lit up by a yellow sun. There is nothing to fear in this landscape--no scary, wild beasts, poisonous plants, or untrustworthy characters. Surrounded by brilliance, we make ourselves at home, relax, and invite others to settle in, too.

To interpret this card, consider how the character’s body is placed in the middle of a natural scene, showing us that she is part of nature, too. The Empress is not at odds with earth, and if she is earth’s ruler, she is a benign ruler whose intention is to create unity and peace.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


The Empress is evidence of your will to change things, whether it be in your romantic relationships, in your professional life or in your personal universe. When thought through and fully mastered, action is the best way to achieve your objectives and get even closer to the goals you have in life.

With your past experiences, you are now confident enough to know what you want and recognize the true value of your qualities. The period is thus particularly conducive to achieving your ideals, to devoting yourself to a project that is important to you, or to investing in a cause that seems right to you. To put the odds on your side, you still need to be careful about communication. Although it's true that self-confidence is a necessary quality for personal development, you need to be careful not to be too authoritarian, which risks offending the people you share your life path with.

The key to success is maintaining this difficult balance. Even if everything is pushing you to act, be careful to conserve your strength. It would indeed be very presumptuous to think that you can change everything with a simple snap of your fingers. It's better to act gradually over time and show a little patience.

Ask yourself

•Where do you feel most at home? What can you do to cultivate your home, to turn it into a nurturing and inviting setting?

•Have you ever felt ashamed of your sexuality, desire, or lust? Do you feel that these feelings are unnatural or debased? When expressing desire, do you suppress other aspects of your being?

•By centering yourself in your body and in your home, your external surroundings, you will make yourself and others feel more comfortable in your presence. Consider that you can create a safe environment beginning from within, and flowing outward to the walls, the street, and even up to the sky.




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Robe: The spring of life, natural beauty, and generosity.

• Heart: The stone heart on which a feminine symbols is inscribed represents a stable, grounded and nonjudgmental love.

• Throne: A natural royalty derived from emotional centeredness and loving friendship or compassion.

• Starry Crown: Resembling Madonna’s twelve-star crown, this means cosmic connection and guardianship of earth.

• Crop: Nurturing and harvesting what you have nurtured. Caring for body and mind; soothing and healing.

• Forest: Making a home in the wilderness.

The Empress Card #3 represents sensuality, cultivation of home, harvest, ease and relaxation, as well as giving and receiving love.

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