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La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

At first glance, this card looks simple and not as laden with imagery as some of the others. This may be partly due to the muted brown and red toned colors. However, upon further scrutiny, the symbols rise up. The emperor sits fiercely on his stone throne accented with ram head gargoyles, and he holds a lemon and a scepter topped with an ankh, the ancient symbol for eternal life. A bejeweled crown presses down on his head, and he is armored beneath his red robe and long, white beard. Behind him is a blood-orange sky and sharp, arid mountains.

While one might think of an emperor as gaudy, effusive, and brash, The Emperor pictured here is restrained, calculating, and prudent. He is not immediately trusting of others, which is why he wears armor. In his face one can see a strained expression; he is ready to listen but also to judge. He has seen the dark side of humanity, and it has aged him, but now he is wise.

The ankh scepter represents the empire The Emperor protects; he takes this duty gravely. In his left hand he holds a lemon, which is sour but also detoxifying. In the same way, peace is sometimes achieved through uncomfortable means. The rams on his throne were sacrifices to Mars, god of war--The Emperor will go to extreme lengths to protect those he watches over. Meanwhile, the dry mountains jutting behind him show that his reality is one of sacrifice and harshness. He is a symbol of virility, not fertility. He is aggressive rather than nurturing--there are no gardens in this scene.

Despite how walled he is, there is still something quite human and vulnerable in the few areas where The Emperor is unarmored: his face and hands. He does not protect ideas divorced from their application--he is not moved by calculative abstraction which would take a human life in vain; he supports those who depend on him, and he supports human life.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


You should quickly come to enjoy a stable framework in your life, in which ambition, morality and a desire for construction will play leading roles. The positive effects of the card can, of course, extend freely over your love life, but also over your career or your finances. In love, the Emperor offers an ideal setting for establishing a lasting relationship.

For a long time now you've been past the need for passionate unthinking love and you are looking for a mature relationship today. This is good, you can now build for the long term, by fully involving yourself in your relationship, envisioning a common future or, perhaps, expanding your family. You don't want ambiguous or unstable relationships: you now expect to devote yourself entirely to the one you love, without ulterior motives or counting the cost. This desire for balance and attachment will also manifest in your professional life.

The period is thus particularly conducive to the achievement of projects that are important to you. Thanks to your determination and your communication skills, you will undoubtedly lay the foundations in a fertile soil.

Ask yourself

•What would you go to great lengths to protect? What comprises your empire? It may be some essential part of yourself or others you feel responsible for.

•What have you learned from the dark side of human nature, and how can you use this knowledge to protect what is most important to you?

•Sometimes your efforts may seem fruitless, but you are not working only on your own behalf. If you succeed in your work, who else will benefit? If taking risks or enduring discomfort might help you achieve success, carefully weigh your options and the potential outcomes. 




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Ankh : Your empire, responsibilities, or virility.

• Apple : Preservation and eternity; the good and bad potential of power i.e. King Midas’ touch.

• Mountains : Difficult and arid, the terrain represents inner or outer states that must be ruled and controlled.

• Rams : War or sacrifice to achieve renewal.

• Beard : Wisdom from age; discernment.

• Throne : Ruling from isolation; cold materiality. Utilitarianism.

• Jeweled Crown : Insight that comes from sacrifice; the warmth of knowledge.

The Emperor Card #4 denotes restraint, gravity, and prudence as well as wisdom, experience, and success gleaned from sacrifice.

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