Tell My Tarot

La Tempérance (14)

Tarot Card Meanings >

de La Tempérance dans la tarot de Marseille

Naked, blue-gray figures rise from coffins as above them a bright-haired angel blows his trumpet and holds a banner with a red cross. The six figures who are raised from the dead by the angel’s trumpet are two women, two men, and two young children. Their tombs float in a sea, and at the horizon line, three distant trees eek above the water line as above them are billowing clouds and a blue sky. The angel’s wings are made of thick, red, muscly feathers. His trumpet is a call to awaken the dead, and the red cross is a symbol of peace and of healing.

It is dire to picture an oceanic landscape spattered with floating human tombs, and yet, when we consider human history, that is precisely what it is. With all the wars, humanity has undergone intense and prolonged suffering. The deserving do not always win, and often the innocent are forced to surrender. But how do we determine who is deserving, and what if we determine this too late? What if wrongs could be righted and the sea could be cleaned up - what happens then? Also, isn’t this an impossible dream? What is done is done, and no one really rises from the dead, do they?

The Judgement card, also referred to as The Last Judgement, is a powerful card depicting a miraculous scene - people who were dead are now coming back to life. And what brings them back to life? Music. When the angel blows his horn the dead are summoned, but not all of the dead, only the ones who are judged worthy of such a gift. The ones brought back to life are so happy and grateful for this chance, but they are also vulnerable and bewildered. They are rootless and will have to find their way back to land, shivering in their cold, blue skin as blood repopulates the frozen veins. With this second chance at life, they are infinitely grateful to the spiritual power that revivified them.

Even though they may have died unjust deaths, the people depicted are not thinking about revenge. Having been down in the dungeon of the underworld, they are purely astonished at the miracle of life and thankful to the heavens for manifesting it.



Vous avez tiré la tempérance à l’endroit ?


Get ready for exciting surprises and expect change. Consider this card as a call to action, a valuable aid in your quest for fulfillment and your pursuit of happiness. As the Sun has already clearly shown, you are a being filled with light. It is therefore essential not to spoil your hidden potential by confining yourself to paralyzing habits or certainties. On the contrary, Judgment encourages you to live your life to the fullest, according to values that are truly yours, in perfect harmony with the deepest parts of your being.

To do this, first you'll need to do some self-examination. This new state of mind will allow you to take a step back from your current situation, and possibly to point out its limits. By directing your gaze inside yourself, you will also be more easily able to understand some of your behavior and the psychological barriers that are preventing you from making the advances you are looking for. Don't neglect this step. It is essential if you want to heal your emotional wounds for good and chart your course in a direction that really suits you. Once the right decision is made, don't doubt yourself and be consistent.

Ask yourself

•Are you mired in revenge fantasies or bogged down by the ways you have been wronged or that the world has fallen short on its promises? Try to let go of particulars to experience the miracle of life without analysis or judgement.

•Have you experienced a huge loss or tragedy? Get back in touch with your humanity and the humanity of others, as well as the sheer magic of life itself.

•Are you still grieving and mourning something from your past? Cull power from deep within you and draw yourself back to life in a forceful, restorative manner. Trust that once you find your breath, you will also find your way back to land.




La symbolique de la Tempérance

• Trumpet : A wake-up call.

• Cross : Aid is on the way; you will be taken care of.

• Angel : The spirit that wakes in you and watches over you.

• People : Remembering the value of community; unifying the three aspects of existence – youth, adulthood, and old age.

• Coffins : Coming out of the darkness and into light, having a second chance, facing old ghosts.

Judgement or The Last Judgement Card #20 represents resurrection, rootlessness and gratitude.

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